After almost a half year abandoning this Manjaro OpenRC in my partition. I finally have time to face a few issues with my Manjaro OpenRC setup. This issue are scattered, I mean there is no particular topic. I just want to clean up bugs on my systems. All are solved, except SDDM avatar.
These are just my personal notes. I mostly documenting note so I can find the solution later whenever I have similar issue.
1. using elogind service
Issue: cannot halt or reboot from user
Problem Definition
- elogind not started as service
This note is also for any non-systemd user.
2. Network Manager in GUI failed
Error message: “no authorized to control networking
But nmcli works well in terminal.
Solution: use elogind in pam.d session
This note is also for any non-systemd user.
3. Restart SDDM with OpenRC
instead of
This note is also for any non-systemd user.
4. SDDM Avatar not shown
[not solved]
Manjaro OpenRC is still using 0.14.
SDDM 0.14 released with the bug, and SDDM 0.14.1, which had the fix, never got released.
5. compton
As a temporary workaround I’m using xcompmgr instead.
Upgrade xorg-server.
6. Managing gtktheme in i3
Use this one
7. HerbstluftWM Conky
It has “shared memfd open() failed
” error messages.
It turn out that it comes from amixer.
If it appears. It is something related to the Linux kernel settings, which cannot be alternated inside the current running kernel.
8. Pacman Mirror Issue
I put it here, because of this reccuring problem is annoying.
9. No tty login
Solution: install xf86-video-fbdev
Thank you for reading