Table of Content

This is a four-parts article. There are few sections here.

Part One
  • Preface: Test Bed
  • Getting Started With Docker
  • Package Management: RPM Frontend, Get Help, DNF Shell
  • Updating System: OS Release, Repository List, System Upgrade, Extra Commands
  • Package IRSIF: Install, Removal, Query Search, Show Info, Install Feature, List File
  • What's Next
Part Two
  • Dependency: Help, Dependency, Reverse Dependency, Test, Tree
  • Group: Group List, Group Info, Group Install, Beyond Group
  • Repositories: repolist, repoinfo, repo-pkgs, --enablerepo, Mirror
  • What's Next
Part Three
  • Plugin: List, Install, Help, Config Manager Example
  • History: The Log File, DNF History
  • Hold Package: Example, Add Lock, Remove Lock
  • Clean Up
  • Build from Source
  • Miscellanous: Downgrade, dist-sync
  • What's Next
Part Four
  • Build from Source: Requirement, Example, Extract, Dependencies, Build, Install
  • Inspect Package: rpmlint, rpm -Qpl, rpmls, rpm2cpio
  • Conclusion


One of the DNF feature that differ DNF from other package is Plugin.


Unfortunately I cannot any command to list DNF plugins. DNF search also won’t work either. Luckily there are good documentation.

Or google if the plugin is not mentioned in above link.


Consider this example: config-manager

$ dnf install dnf-plugin-config-manager
Last metadata expiration check: 0:33:51 ago on Sat Sep  2 18:26:16 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                      Arch       Version           Repository   Size
 dnf-plugins-core             noarch     2.1.3-2.fc27      rawhide      50 k
Installing dependencies:
 python3-dnf-plugins-core     noarch     2.1.3-2.fc27      rawhide     138 k

Transaction Summary
Install  2 Packages

Total download size: 188 k
Installed size: 451 k
Is this ok [y/N]: 

Docker DNF: Plugin: config-manager


$ dnf help config-manager

Docker DNF: Plugin: config-manager

Config Manager Example

Now we can enable a repository without the need to edit configuration manually.

$ dnf config-manager --set-enabled rawhide-source

Docker DNF: Plugin: config-manager

System Wide

System Wide Information

List Packages

Listing packages handled by package manager, available in repository.

$ dnf list --available | less
Last metadata expiration check: 0:29:01 ago on Wed Sep 20 14:19:59 2017.
Available Packages
0ad.x86_64                               0.0.22-2.fc27                   rawhide
0ad-data.noarch                          0.0.22-1.fc27                   rawhide
0ad-debugsource.x86_64                   0.0.22-2.fc27                   rawhide
0install.x86_64                          2.12.1-1.fc27                   rawhide
0xFFFF.x86_64                            0.3.9-15.fc26                   rawhide
2048-cli.x86_64                          0.9.1-4.fc27                    rawhide
2048-cli-debugsource.x86_64              0.9.1-4.fc27                    rawhide

Docker DNF: List Available

Extra package. The documentation define extras as that is packages installed on the system that are not available in any known repository .

$ dnf list --extras
Last metadata expiration check: 0:44:25 ago on Wed Sep 20 14:19:59 2017.
Extra Packages
9wm.x86_64                           1.2-7.fc20             @System 
audit-libs.x86_64                    2.7.7-5.fc27           @System 
python3-asn1crypto.noarch            0.22.0-4.fc27          @rawhide
python3-rpm.x86_64                   4.14.0-0.rc1.2.fc28    @System 
rpm.x86_64                           4.14.0-0.rc1.2.fc28    @System 
rpm-build.x86_64                     4.14.0-0.rc1.2.fc28    @System 
rpm-build-libs.x86_64                4.14.0-0.rc1.2.fc28    @System 
rpm-libs.x86_64                      4.14.0-0.rc1.2.fc28    @System 
rpm-plugin-selinux.x86_64            4.14.0-0.rc1.2.fc28    @System 
rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit.x86_64    4.14.0-0.rc1.2.fc28    @System 
shared-mime-info.x86_64              1.8-6.fc28             @System 
systemd.x86_64                       234-5.fc27             @System 
systemd-container.x86_64             234-5.fc27             @rawhide
systemd-libs.x86_64                  234-5.fc27             @System 
systemd-pam.x86_64                   234-5.fc27             @System 
vim-minimal.x86_64                   2:8.0.1097-1.fc28      @System 

Docker DNF: List Extras

You can try other such as

$ dnf list recent 

For more information you can:

$ dnf help list | less
  --all                 show all packages (default)
  --available           show only available packages
  --installed           show only installed packages
  --extras              show only extras packages
  --updates             show only upgrades packages
  --upgrades            show only upgrades packages
  --autoremove          show only autoremove packages
  --recent              show only recently changed packages


The Log File

This is most the forgotten part of package management, although it is not uncommon to notice messages. For that reason, I put the recorded event here, before discussing about any further feature.

$ less /var/log/dnf.log
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z INFO --- logging initialized ---
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DDEBUG timer: config: 1381 ms
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DEBUG DNF version: 2.5.1
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DDEBUG Command: dnf repolist 
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DDEBUG Installroot: /
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DDEBUG Releasever: 27
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DEBUG cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DDEBUG Base command: repolist
2017-08-23T10:47:59Z DDEBUG Extra commands: ['repolist']

Most likely you want the tail, latest transaction, at the bottom of the recorded event.

Docker: /var/log/dnf.log

DNF History

DNF has a very nice history feature.

$ dnf history
ID     | Command line             | Date and time    | Action(s)      | Altered
    19 | update                   | 2017-09-18 13:10 | Update         |    1   
    18 | distro-sync              | 2017-09-17 19:15 | I, O, U        |   93 **
    17 | downgrade herbstluftwm   | 2017-09-17 18:49 | Downgrade      |    1   
    16 | -y install mock          | 2017-09-09 13:29 | Install        |   24   
    15 | install wget             | 2017-09-09 11:35 | Install        |    1  <
    14 | install gcc              | 2017-09-03 02:47 | Install        |    8 > 
    13 | install make             | 2017-09-03 02:43 | Install        |    1   
    12 | install glib2-devel libX | 2017-09-03 02:42 | Install        |   18   
    11 | install rpm-build        | 2017-09-03 02:30 | I, U           |   41   
    10 | install dnf-plugin-confi | 2017-09-02 19:02 | Install        |    2   
     9 | install rpmreaper        | 2017-08-26 16:07 | Install        |    1   
     8 | upgrade                  | 2017-08-24 14:48 | Update         |   15 **
     7 | reinstall man-db         | 2017-08-23 15:47 | Reinstall      |    1   
     6 | install man              | 2017-08-23 15:45 | Install        |    4   
     5 | remove less              | 2017-08-23 13:14 | Erase          |    4   
     4 | install man-db nano htop | 2017-08-23 12:56 | Install        |    5   
     3 | install man              | 2017-08-23 12:55 | Install        |    5   
     2 | upgrade --nogpgcheck     | 2017-08-23 11:31 | I, U           |  171 **
     1 |                          | 2017-07-11 11:29 | Install        |  170 EE

Docker DNF: History


Now we can undo.

$ dnf history undo 15
Last metadata expiration check: 0:06:49 ago on Wed Sep 20 14:19:59 2017.
Undoing transaction 15, from Sat Sep  9 11:35:43 2017
    Install wget-1.19.1-3.fc27.x86_64 @rawhide
 Package    Arch         Version               Repository      Size
 wget       x86_64       1.19.1-3.fc27         @rawhide       2.8 M

Transaction Summary
Remove  1 Package

Freed space: 2.8 M
Is this ok [y/N]:

But not everything can be undone.

$ dnf history undo 19
Last metadata expiration check: 0:10:19 ago on Wed Sep 20 14:19:59 2017.
Undoing transaction 19, from Mon Sep 18 13:10:27 2017
    Upgraded ncdu-1.12-5.fc27.x86_64 @rawhide
    Upgrade       1.12-6.fc28.x86_64 @rawhide
No package ncdu-0:1.12-5.fc27.x86_64 available.
Error: An operation cannot be undone

Or rollback.

$ dnf history rollback 18
Last metadata expiration check: 0:10:31 ago on Wed Sep 20 14:19:59 2017.
Rollback to transaction 18, from Sun Sep 17 19:15:24 2017
  Undoing the following transactions: 19
    Upgraded ncdu-1.12-5.fc27.x86_64 @rawhide
    Upgrade       1.12-6.fc28.x86_64 @rawhide
No package ncdu-0:1.12-5.fc27.x86_64 available.
Error: A transaction cannot be undone

Hold Package

DNF can hold package using versionlock plugin. Or using exclude directive in configuration.


Suppose you want to do system upgrade, but you do not want to upgrade certain package. There is a good reason for these, such as keeping old driver, because the latest has a issue or such reason. Or maybe we want to keep our current beloved newly compiled package that equipped with super duper specific configuration parameter optimization.

$  dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:22:55 ago on Sat Sep  9 11:49:43 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                  Arch   Version              Repository
 bash                     x86_64 4.4.12-11.fc28       rawhide 1.5 M
 coreutils                x86_64 8.28-1.fc28          rawhide 1.2 M
 coreutils-common         x86_64 8.28-1.fc28          rawhide 1.9 M
 cpp                      x86_64 7.2.1-1.fc28         rawhide 9.2 M

Docker DNF: BASH Unlocked

Consider BASH as our guinea pig locking example.

Add Lock

We can add lock easily using DNF. By using exclude directive in configuration.

$ nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf 

Docker DNF: Nano DNF Configuration

Now bash will be ignored.

$ dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:40:43 ago on Sat Sep  9 11:49:43 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                  Arch   Version              Repository
 coreutils                x86_64 8.28-1.fc28          rawhide 1.2 M
 coreutils-common         x86_64 8.28-1.fc28          rawhide 1.9 M
 cpp                      x86_64 7.2.1-1.fc28         rawhide 9.2 M
 crypto-policies          noarch 20170823-1.git8d18c27.fc28

Docker DNF: BASH Locked

Remove Lock

You can unlocked package by commenting the exclude in dnf.conf

$ cat /etc/dnf/dnf.conf 
# exclude=bash

Example done successfully. Guinea pig is alive.

Clean Up

Time after time, your cache size may growing bigger and bigger.

Package Cache

  • /var/cache/dnf/ * /packages/ * .rpm
$ ls -lR /var/cache/dnf/

Docker DNF: Cache

You can clean these directory.

$ dnf clean packages
18 files removed
$ dnf clean all
9 files removed

Docker DNF: Clean

And also orphan package with no dependency.

$ dnf autoremove



We can downgrade easily with DNF.

$ dnf downgrade herbstluftwm
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                            1/1 
  Downgrading      : herbstluftwm-0.6.2-8.fc27.x86_64           1/2 
  Erasing          : herbstluftwm-0.6.2-8.fc28.x86_64           2/2 
  Running scriptlet: herbstluftwm-0.6.2-8.fc28.x86_64           2/2 
  Verifying        : herbstluftwm-0.6.2-8.fc27.x86_64           1/2 
  Verifying        : herbstluftwm-0.6.2-8.fc28.x86_64           2/2 

  herbstluftwm.x86_64 0.6.2-8.fc27                                  


Docker DNF: Downgrade

Distro Sync

There is also this command, that sync packages to your current version. Downgrade if necessary. Useful in case of multiple repository.

$ dnf distro-sync
Last metadata expiration check: 0:13:34 ago on Sun Sep 17 18:38:02 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package            Arch   Version                    Repository
 bash               x86_64 4.4.12-11.fc28             rawhide 1.5 M
 bc                 x86_64 1.07.1-4.fc28              rawhide 126 k
 binutils           x86_64 2.29-9.fc28                rawhide 5.9 M
Installing weak dependencies:
 btrfs-progs        x86_64 4.13-1.fc28                rawhide 762 k

Transaction Summary
Install   6 Packages
Upgrade  83 Packages

Total download size: 84 M
Is this ok [y/N]:

Docker DNF: Downgrade

What’s Next

These are this build from source topic. Consider finish reading [ Part Four ].

Thank you for reading