Goal: Using Bunsenslabs Script as Dynamic Openbox menu.
Table of Content
1: BunsenLabs Script
I’m not using BunsenLabs, but I found these script useful.
To create dynamic menu, we utilize script,
and use menu execute=""
You need a file called bl-include.cfg
Put it under ~/.config/openbox/bin
BunsenLabs or ArcoLinux
There are choices:
It is all, up to you. But in this tutorial, I prefer BunsenLabs.
Getting the Scripts
First clone this:
And copy the whole file from bin
under ~/.config/openbox/bin
There will be a bunch of file:
- bl-compositor, bl-conky-pipemenu, bl-dropbox-pipemenu, bl-graphics-pipemenu,
bl-help-pipemenu, bl-kb-pipemenu, bl-libreoffice-pipemenu, bl-multimedia-pipemenu,
bl-places-pipemenu, bl-printing-pipemenu, bl-recent-files-pipemenu,
bl-remote-desktop-pipemenu, bl-sshconfig-pipemenu, bl-tint2-pipemenu,
Modify the Scripts
Open all the pipemenu scripts, and do a search and replace.
Change from
Do not forget to add executable mode for all scripts.
Main Menu
Modify the ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
Create the ~/.config/openbox/menu.bunsenlabs.xml
Consider reconfigure openbox. And have a look at the result.
Additional Configuration
Some menu need a configuration file called
I grab this from a Kali user, and change a bit, as below.
What’s Next
Consider continue reading [ Menu: XDG Applications ].