Goal: Specific tools for openbox.
In obmenu-generator this case, I will give an example in Fedora. You can do it in other distribution as well, such as Debian or Gentoo or openSUSE
This obmenu-generator is a Perl script, that can be installed using CPAN. This is the summary.
Install CPAN for local user
CPAN Gtk2 (in some case)
CPAN Data::Dump (in some case)
CPAN Test::More
CPAN Linux::DesktopFiles
Clone obmenu-generator
Run ./obmenu-generator
I’m using openSUSE, so I’m stick with zypper, instead of CPAN.
In Gentoo, you can issue this command:
Example CPAN in Fedora
Setup CPAN for local user first.
Example CPAN in Gentoo
Just like in Fedora, but with Data::Dump
I do not know why.
Example obmenu install
git clone
Just like in this Fedora Figure below:
Then run it. Just like this Debian figure below:
Or run it. Just like this Gentoo figure below:
What’s Next
We are finished with installation procedure. Consider going back reading [ Config: Overview ].