The difference with the original example is,
I use comment to identify, material color that I use.
Since the theme equipped with material pallete, changing color has become easier.
To change material color, just search and replace for the whole themerc document.
I provide a few themerc, for each color in themerc directory.
And here is the result:
I originally name this theme as matblue,
but after I found a cheap way to get other colors,
I renamed it to matclue.
I have no clue why.
2: Configuration
Window Geometry
This should be self explanatory.
But if you insist you can experiment with changing each size.
And see the result:
I know it is weird, but with this figure,
you will have a comprehensive understanding about the window geometry.
3: Menu Geometry
This is most common configuration, untouched from the example.
My friend, The black cat has a menu gaps configuration: noirecat/arc-ob-theme..
This tweak is aestethically very nice.
And set the menu.border.color
to be about the same as its counterpart.
4: Border Colors
This also, should be self explanatory.
You should see how I use material color in comment.
5: Text Shadows
Mostly I only change the shadowtint,
either 20, or 70,
as show in official example configuration.
6: Window Title justification
This also, should be self explanatory.
7: Active Window: Title and Label
This is the main part.
Consider begin playing with this Flat Solid title,
and Parentrelative label.
Consider playing with horizontal gradient.
And finally label box in title box.
8: Active Window: Handle and Grip
Self explanatory.
9: Active Window: Button
All you need to do is pay attention,
to this base unpressed button setting.
The rest will follow.
Instead of giving the code,
I explain in term of material color.
Unpressed: blue100 on blue300 to blue700, with blue900
Hover: blue100 on blue500 to blue700, with black
Pressed: blue100 on blue900, with black
Disabled: blue100 on blue300 to blue500, with blue700
Toggled Unpressed: blue100 on blue700 to blue300, with blu900
Toggled Hover: blue900 on blue300, with white
Toggled Pressed: blue100 on blue700 to blue500, with black
Now you can understand how I made for the toggle button.
10: Active Window: Complete
And here is the result complete version of active window.
11: Inactive Windows
With about the same method, we can step into inactive windows.
Here I’m using Grey, instead of Color.
Unpressed: grey100 on grey500 to grey700, with grey300
Disabled: grey100 on grey300 to grey500, with grey300
Toggled grey100 on grey700 to grey500, with grey300
Note that there is no hover,
and pressed in inactive window state.
12: Menus
There are only few object in menus.
Title: black on blue300 to blue700, with blue900
Separator: blue900
Items: black on grey100, except grey500
Active Item: lack on blue500 to grey100, except grey500
This should be self explanatory.
What’s Next
This is only the Theme Part,
Consider continue reading [ Style Part ]