
Goal: Statusbar customization, with powerline style using Lain.

This is not another library, such as Vicious and Lain, but just Arrow decoration using Lain, mixed with Lain widgets.

Awesome WM: Lain Statusbar in Gentoo (640x480)

If the previous article talk about how to use Lain, this article explain how to decorate it.

Table of Content

I know this section is short

1: Prerequisite


Put the statusbar code at the end of the rc.lua, and comment other statusbar.

-- Statusbar: Wibar
--local statusbar = require("statusbar.lain.statusbar")
local statusbar = require("statusbar.arrow.statusbar")

Prerequisite: The Lain Library

Since we use lain, the configuration is the same with previous article.


This is basically just using Lain library. We need additional custom.lua for non lain widget.

tree ~/.config/awesome/statusbar/arrow
├── custom.lua
├── helper_one.lua
├── helper_two.lua
├── lain-battery.lua
├── lain-diskfree.lua
├── lain.lua
├── lain-sound.lua
└── statusbar.lua

0 directories, 8 files

Awesome WM: Arrow Statusbar Directory Using Lain Library

I use one and two for helper name.

Arrow Decoration

The same as previous article.

Code Preview

Very similar with previous article.

2: Arrow Example

It is a good time to put these bunch of technique together.

Left Wibox

function WB.add_widgets_monitor_left (line, s)
  return {
    layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
    setar("alpha",              gmc.color['blue200']),
    setar(gmc.color['blue200'], gmc.color['blue300']),
    setbg(cis.netdown,          gmc.color['blue300']),
    setbg(cws.netdowninfo,      gmc.color['blue300']),
    setar(gmc.color['blue300'], gmc.color['blue500']),
    setbg(cis.netup,            gmc.color['blue500']),
    setbg(cws.netupinfo,        gmc.color['blue500']),
    setar(gmc.color['blue500'], gmc.color['blue700']),
    setbg(cis.mem,              gmc.color['blue700']),
    setbg(cws.mem,              gmc.color['blue700']),
    setar(gmc.color['blue700'], gmc.color['blue900']),
    setbg(cis.cpu,              gmc.color['blue900']),
    setbg(cws.cpu,              gmc.color['blue900']),
    setal(gmc.color['blue900'], gmc.color['blue700']),
    setbg(cis.fs,               gmc.color['blue700']),
    setbg(cws.fs,               gmc.color['blue700']),
    setal(gmc.color['blue700'], gmc.color['blue500']),
    setbg(cis.temp,             gmc.color['blue500']),
    setbg(cws.temp,             gmc.color['blue500']),
    setal(gmc.color['blue500'], gmc.color['blue300']),
    setbg(cis.bat,              gmc.color['blue300']),
    setbg(cws.bat,              gmc.color['blue300']),
    setal(gmc.color['blue300'], gmc.color['blue200']),
    setal(gmc.color['blue200'], "alpha"),

Awesome WM: Left Arrow Widget

Playing with color would makes the status bar pretty right!

Right Wibox

And if you want more simple color.

function WB.add_widgets_monitor_right (line, s)
  return {
    layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
    WB.arrow_dl,         WB.arrow_ld,
    cis.volume,  cws.volume,
    cis.mpd,     cws.mpd,
    WB.arrow_dl,         WB.arrow_ld,
    cis.uptime,          cws.uptime,

Awesome WM: Right Arrow Widget

Top Right Wibox

I also move the progressbar to the top.

function WB.add_widgets_top_right (s)
  local cws = clone_widget_set
  local cis = clone_icon_set

  return { -- Right widgets
    layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,

    --  progressbar
    cis.volume_dynamic,  cws.volumewidget,
    cis.disk,            cws.disk_bar_widget,
    cis.battery,         cws.battery_bar_widget,

    -- default
    WB.arrow_dl,         WB.arrow_ld,

Awesome WM: Top Right Arrow Widget


I think that is all. After this article, we are done.

Better Example

I do not claim myself to be mastered of AwesomeWM of something, these articles I have wrote is intended to be guidance for beginner.

If you need sophisticated statusbar widgets programming with Lua, you can go right away to Pavel Makhov site:

These will be a very interesting discussion, but unfortunately, this is beyond of my blog scope.


I’ll be back!

What do you think ?