Good day dear shell coder, hello again.
Almost new year over here.
How about you ?
One of my issue I found when I try to port pacaur is that it use a BASH configuration as a part of source.
And the fact about this config that, BASH is not compatible with ZSH in context of clobbering
You can have a look at the difference between BASH and ZSH in figure below.
Here is step by step.
First, the issue itself: parsing BASH, still in BASH
Second, make it an array in BASH
Third, make it an array in Z Shell
I asked in stackoverflow,
and somebody is pointing me to the right direction,
using bash -c
And the output is:
Now you can put it in variable using command substitution.
And the output is:
And the output is:
I think this is enough for today.
Good luck my friend.
Have some fun with your shell.
Thank you for reading.