goal: upgrade with terminal only
What to do on first run and…
What to do when dependencies happened.
note: a n00b may consider synaptic that fix broken packages
but you may miss the fun of ‘solving dependencies problem’ :D
note: No need to install all. Pick only what you need.
This article contain two parts.
Using apt-get
Using aptitude
Using apt-get and aptitude
first step: using root, and setup admin’s privileges
this step: upgrade current system from custom repository
note: experiencing dependencies problem with gnome
relogin with gnome flashback, trying to fix with these command
note: give up with apt-get, switch to aptitude to fix broken packages
meanwhile: go to regrigerator, try to find something to eat
note: succeed login with gnome-shell
next step: install basic applications,
next step: configure boot manager, as default to windows
note: grub configuration succeed for both system
next step: install favorites applications
last step: try to sleep, should go back to work early in the morning
Using aptitude only
The easier way, a workaround
note: as this take too long, i decided to upgrade partially
last step: go to the refigerator find myself something to eat