This detach_lemon function.
is just a function that enable
the lemonbar running process to be detached,
using pid = os.fork().
The real function is run_lemon.
You must be familiar with this subprocess.Popen.
It is very flexible, and support bidirectional pipe that we need later.
Note: that we want to ignore idle event for a while.
And append the -p for a while,
to make the statusbar persistent.
Statusbar Initialization
Here we have the content_init.
It is just an initialization of global variable.
We are going to have some loop later in different function,
to do the real works.
Now is time to try the panel, on your terminal.
Note: that we already reach this stage in our previous article.
These two functions, set_tag_value
and set_windowtitle, have already been discussed.
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Simple version. No idle event. Only statusbar initialization.
Consider this content_walk call,
after content_init call,
inside the run_lemon.
Wrapping Idle Event into Code
content_walk is the heart of this script.
We have to capture every event,
and process the event in event handler.
Walk step by step, Process event by event
After the event handler,
we will get the statusbar text, in the same way,
we did in content_init.
3: The Event Handler
For each idle event, there are multicolumn string.
The first string define the event origin.
The origin is either reload, or quit_panel,
tag_changed, or tag_flags,
or tag_added, or tag_removed,
or focus_changed, or window_title_changed.
More complete event, can be read in herbstclient manual.
All we need is to pay attention to this two function.
set_tag_value and set_windowtitle.
Actually that’s all we need to have a functional lemonbar.
This is the minimum version.
We can put custom event other than idle event in statusbar panel.
This event, such as date event, called based on time interval in second.
Luckily we can treat interval as event.
It is a little bit tricky, because we have to make,
a combined event that consist of,
idle event (asynchronous) and interval event (synchronous).
Merging two different paralel process into one.
This is an overview of what we want to achieve.
In real code later, we do not need the timestamp.
interval string is enough to trigger interval event.
View Testbed Source File:
Before merging combined event into main code,
consider this test in an isolated fashion.
Zombie are scary, and fork does have a tendecy to become a zombie.
Application that utilize several forks should be aware of this threat.
The reason why I use fork instead of thread is,
because the original herbstluftwm configuration coming from bash,
and this bash script is using fork.
However, you can use this short script to reduce zombie population.
It won’t kill all zombie, but works for most case.
You might still need htop,
and kill -9 manually.
9: Putting Them All Together
I also created compact for version,
for use with main HerbstluftWM configuration,
in ~/.config/herbstluftwm/ directory.
After reunification, they are not very long scripts after all.