Goal: Separate Main Flow, Code, and Data.
So anyone can focus to alter special customization in Main Script, without changing the whole stuff.
Before you jump off to scripting, you might desire to read this overview.
All The Source Code:
Impatient coder like me, like to open many tab on browser.
Table of Content
Preface: Table of Content
3: System Calls
6: Hash: Config
10: Run Baby Run
1: Directory Structure
Directory Structure has been explained in preface.
This figure will explain how it looks
in Lua script
2: Modularizing in Lua
Lua is simple, except for importing module using relative path.
This require a workaround with package.path
Declare a module
No need to explicitly define what to export.
local _M = {}
function _M.hc(arguments)
os.execute("herbstclient " .. arguments)
return _M
Call a module
Note the dot .
local dirname = debug.getinfo(1).source:match("@?(.*/)")
package.path = package.path .. ';' .. dirname .. '?.lua;'
local helper = require(".helper")
3: System Calls
Here we wrap herbstclient
system call
in a function named hc
function _M.hc(arguments)
os.execute("herbstclient " .. arguments)
-- Read the manual in $ man herbstluftwm
helper.hc('emit_hook reload')
-- gap counter
os.execute("echo 35 > /tmp/herbstluftwm-gap")
4: Array: Tag Names and Keys
Is it just me? Or didn’t I do googling hard enough ? I cannot find a way to define array by range in just one line.
_M.tag_names = {}; _M.tag_keys = {} -- new array
for i = 1,9 do _M.tag_names[i-1]=i end
for i = 1,9 do _M.tag_keys[i-1]=i end
_M.tag_keys[9] = 0
5: Hash: Color Schemes
Using key-value pairs, a simple data structure.
_M.color = {
['white'] = '#ffffff',
['black'] = '#000000',
['grey50'] = '#fafafa',
['grey100'] = '#f5f5f5'
-- background before wallpaper
os.execute("xsetroot -solid '" .. gmc.color["blue500"] .. "'")
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6: Hash: Config
The Hash in Config is very similar with the colors above. Except that it has string concatenation all over the place.
-- Modifier variables
s = 'Shift';
c = 'Control';
m = 'Mod4';
a = 'Mod1';
_M.keybinds = {
-- session
[m .. '-' .. s .. '-q'] = 'quit',
[m .. '-' .. s .. '-r'] = 'reload',
[m .. '-' .. s .. '-c'] = 'close',
This config will be utilized in main script as shown in the following code.
helper.do_config('keybind', config.keybinds)
helper.do_config('keybind', config.tagskeybinds)
helper.do_config('mousebind', config.mousebinds)
helper.do_config('attr', config.attributes)
helper.do_config('set', config.sets)
helper.do_config('rule', config.rules)
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7: Processing The Hash Config
This is the heart of this script.
This do-config
function has two arguments,
the herbstclient command i.e “keybind”, and hash from config.
I can see how simple and clean, Lua is.
function _M.do_config(command, hash)
-- loop over hash
for key, value in pairs(hash) do
_M.hc(command .. ' ' .. key .. ' ' .. value)
-- uncomment to debug in terminal
-- print(command .. ' ' .. key .. ' ' .. value)
Debug Herbstclient Command
I do not remove line where I do debug when I made this script, so anyone can use it later, avoid examining blindly. Sometimes strange things happen. Just uncomment this line to see what happened.
print(command .. ' ' .. key .. ' ' .. value)
You can see the debugging result in figure below.
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8: Setting the Tags
Nothing special here,
Ruby read all exported variable from modules.
And I define local tag_names
to avoid long namespace.
local config = require(".config")
function _M.set_tags_with_name()
local tag_names = config.tag_names
local tag_keys = config.tag_keys
_M.hc("rename default '" .. tag_names[0] .. "' 2>/dev/null || true")
for index, value in pairs(tag_names) do
_M.hc("add '" .. value .. "'");
local key = tag_keys[index]
if (not (key == nil or key == '') ) then
_M.hc("keybind Mod4-"..key.." use_index '"..index.."'")
_M.hc("keybind Mod4-Shift-"..key.." move_index '"..index.."'")
9: Launch the Panel
Two more functions left, it is do_panel
and startup_run
This two is longer in Lua, compared to another script.
function _M.do_panel()
local dirname = debug.getinfo(1).source:match("@?(.*/)")
local panel = dirname .. "panel-lemonbar.lua"
if (not file_exists(panel)) then
panel = "/etc/xdg/herbstluftwm/"
command = 'herbstclient list_monitors | cut -d: -f1'
local handle = io.popen(command)
local result = handle:read("*a")
local raw = trim1(result)
local monitors = lines(result)
for i, monitor in pairs(monitors) do
if (not (monitor == nil or monitor == '') ) then
-- start it on each monitor
os.execute(panel .. " " .. monitor .." > /dev/null &")
Specific Lua Issue
Is it just me? Or didn’t I do googling hard enough ? I cannot find a way to make the script shorter. It is almost three times longer than the BASH counterpart.
10: Run Baby Run
This is the last part. It is intended to be modified. Everyone has their own personal preferences.
-- redirect stderror to stdout, then capture the result
command = 'new_attr bool my_not_first_autostart'
local handle = io.popen('herbstclient ' .. command .. ' 2>&1')
local result = handle:read('*a')
local exitcode = handle:close()
if ((result == nil or result == '')) then
-- non windowed app
os.execute('compton &')
os.execute('dunst &')
os.execute('parcellite &')
os.execute('nitrogen --restore &')
os.execute('mpd &')
-- windowed app
os.execute('xfce4-terminal &')
os.execute('sleep 1 && firefox &')
os.execute('sleep 2 && geany &')
os.execute('sleep 2 && thunar &')
Specific Lua Issue
Is it just me? Or didn’t I do googling hard enough ? Instead of exitcode, I’m using standard error to determine whether it should be launch or not.
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11: Putting It All Together
The last part is going to main script and putting it all back together.
Now the flow is clear
Header Part: autostart.lua
local dirname = debug.getinfo(1).source:match("@?(.*/)")
package.path = package.path .. ';' .. dirname .. '?.lua;'
local gmc = require ".gmc"
local helper = require(".helper")
local config = require(".config")
local startup = require(".startup")
Procedural Part: autostart.lua
-- background before wallpaper
os.execute("xsetroot -solid '" .. gmc.color["blue500"] .. "'")
-- Read the manual in $ man herbstluftwm
helper.hc('emit_hook reload')
-- gap counter
os.execute("echo 35 > /tmp/herbstluftwm-gap")
-- do not repaint until unlock
-- standard
helper.hc('keyunbind --all')
helper.hc('mouseunbind --all')
helper.hc('unrule -F')
-- do hash config
helper.do_config('keybind', config.keybinds)
helper.do_config('keybind', config.tagskeybinds)
helper.do_config('mousebind', config.mousebinds)
helper.do_config('attr', config.attributes)
helper.do_config('set', config.sets)
helper.do_config('rule', config.rules)
-- unlock, just to be sure
-- launch statusbar panel (e.g. dzen2 or lemonbar)
-- load on startup
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Coming up Next
After the Window Manager, comes the Panel.
Happy Configuring.