This is not a prank. You can have this Windowish looks with Arch LXQT. And be happy with it.

qterminal, is my new comfort in the shell.

Screenshot Information
OS: Arch
DE: LXQT 0.8

Arch LXQT Windowish QTerminal

LXQT’s File Manager, PC Man FM also give me stunning nostalgic looks, remind me of my happy childhood day.

Arch LXQT Windowish PCManFM

But don’t get so depressed. The original LXQT has great looks.

Let’s see how it can be combined with KWin instead of Openbox.

Screenshot Information
OS: Arch
DE: LXQT 0.8
WM: KWin (x11)
+ Conky Manager
+ Ghost Theme

Arch LXQT KWin Ghost

Our long waited lightweight desktop environment is coming.

LXQt 0.8.0 Is Out!

LXQt 0.8.0 Released with Full QT5 support, various improvements